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以下為葛森法飲食中,被列為干擾或抑制人體免疫反應的食物, 當免疫反應不能正常活化, 注射治療的效果就會打折了


Processed Food 加工食品 (微波食品)

Aspartame 代糖



Berries 漿果,莓類

Bicarbonate of soda (Baking Soda) 小蘇打

Battled and canned commercial beverages 罐裝或包裝飲品

Sweets and chocolate 甜食及巧克力

Cheese 起司

Cocoa 可可

Coffee 咖啡

Cream 奶油

Cucumber 小黃瓜

Dried fruit (Sulphured or glazed with oil) 果乾 (含二氧化硫或浸油)

Epsom Salt 鎂鹽 (外用或內服)

Fats and oils 動物性或植物性油脂

Flour 麵粉

Fluoride 氟化物 (牙膏)

Ice cream and sherbet冰淇淋與雪酪

Legumes (Soy黃豆) 豆類及豆類製品

Milk 牛奶

Mushrooms 菇類(真菌)

Nuts 核果

Orange and lemon rind 橘皮或檸檬皮

Pickles 泡菜及醃製類食物

Pineapple 鳳梨,菠蘿 (含過多芳酸類aromatic acids)

Salt 鹽或其它代鹽、低鈉鹽

Most spices 香料辣椒

Sugar (refined white) 精製白糖

Tea 茶類 (含咖啡因的紅、綠茶, 茶葉會從土壤中吸取氟化物)

sprouted seed 芽菜 

Wheat grass Juice 小麥草汁


reference: Healing Arthritis, The Gerson way,2012 

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